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08 February 2012

Modular, COTS Approach to Fuel and Water Logistics Should Be Adopted Says WEW

Speaking at IAV 2012, WEW will discuss interoperability and levels of protection

 Weitefeld, Germany, 9th February 2012: A modular, MOTS approach should be adopted for fuel and water logistics on the battlefield claims Peter Hughes, Business Development Manager at WEW, the specialist tank supplier. During his presentation at the International Armoured Vehicle Conference being held at Five, Farnborough, UK on 21 and 22 February 2012, he will suggest some solutions for interoperability and commonality between armed forces based on current protected vehicle architecture.

He will also consider the trade-offs between payload and levels of protection, using a series of matrices, Peter will be look to stimulate a debate on the optimum payload against the desired protection levels for operators and the load itself.

 “I hope during the presentation to identify what the trade-offs might be and to make some suggestions on what the possible “off the shelf” specifications for fuel and water systems might be,” said Peter Hughes.

WEW has, over the last 15 years, developed a market-leading position for the supply of modular MOTS fuel and water systems for not only main camp and base infrastructure, but also for FOB operations using the well-proven PLS system. The benefits of modular systems have become ever-more prominent when current operating theatres and the requirements of expeditionary and peacekeeping operations are considered.

WEW’s current offering ranges from 2,000L non-ISO modular systems right up to the full ISO 45,000L “Fuel Farm” development, a concept that is gaining increasing traction with the military as an alternative solution to traditional pillow-tank systems.

WEW has been following the emerging Protected Vehicle “Utility” market segment and is leveraging an already proven capability to support the vehicle manufacturers in the field of fuel and water supply for forward operating areas.

On the back of a recent contract award from US Army TACOM, WEW is extending its portfolio to the supply of fuel and water systems for armoured and protected vehicles. The core designs typically incorporate pumping, filtration and (in the case of water) preservation systems. Such units are designed with a capacity range of between 1,500L and 7,000L in both non-ISO demountable and Quad/Bicon ISO specification.

Peter Hughes will be speaking at 14:30 on Tuesday 21st February on the Innovation Stage.

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