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13 June 2014

Multi Part Run Flat For AFVs and SP Artillery on Display for First Time at Eurosatory from Tyron


Patented military run flat fitted to alloy wheel on display on Tyron stand, Hall 5 stand K617

The world’s only multi-piece all terrain rubber run flat tyre insert designed for large armoured fighting vehicles and self-propelled artillery is on display for the first time at Eurosatory 2014.

The Tyron Military ATR run flat is a patented design which can be fitted RUNFLAT_grey backgrndwithout special tools. It is on show in Hall 5 on stand K617.  The ATR range is designed to fit some of the largest military tyres such as the 1600 R20, and is displayed fitted to a Tyron 20×10 bolt together alloy wheel.

The military ATRs are fitted without any special tools due to their multipart construction.  This enables the mechanics to install the segments inside the tyre without a hydraulic press before the tyre and run flat are mounted on the wheel. With the example on display the wheel and tyre are locked together using a bolt on rim, which also only requires standard tools.

“We have developed a novel solution to meet defence and security users’ needs.  Run flats have traditionally been made in one piece, which had to be forced into the tyres using a specialised hydraulic machine, for larger wheel sizes this becomes progressively more difficult,” said Richard Glazebrook, Chief Executive of Tyron Developments.

“Our approach has been to find a solution which makes man handling possible and where a mechanic can change a tyre and run flat using standard tools at the side of the road,” added Glazebrook.

During the development process the ATR has been extensively tested to demonstrate that it stays firmly in place using beadlock which prevents the tyre from moving.  This enables the vehicle is able to keep travelling at speed for a considerable distance after a sudden deflation with one or all tyres deflated caused for example by direct fire or blast attack.  All the testing was done at the vehicle’s maximum gross weight.  During the testing the tyres were ballistically attacked to ensure that the ATR runflats maintained their integrity at all times, this especially included the area where the parts are bolted together.

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