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13 June 2014

UGV Manipulator Arm on Show For First Time from Dok-Ing


      DOK-ING displays new manipulator arm for MV-4 combat engineer UGV together with demining, fire fighting and earth moving capabilities on stand D697, Hall 6

 A new development in purpose designed Unmanned Ground Vehicles is onIMG_4999-for-web display at Eurosatory for the first time.  DOK-ING, a leading developer of heavy weight UGVs, is show casing one of its latest developments  a robotic manipulator arm which can be fitted to its proven MV-4 in Hall 6, stand D697.

The manipulator arm provides the UGV operator with the ability to remotely lift and move objects such as telegraph poles or tree trunks which may hindering the line of advance.  Other recent developments include a rear fork lift and rear shovel. These new additions widens further the abilities of the MV-4, which already includes flails, grippers, rollers and dozer blades, making it capable of fulfilling a wide range of combat engineer tasks.

“The addition of the manipulator arm significantly extends the capabilities of the MV-4 to fulfil an even wider range of tasks.  The UGV, without the arm, has already been proven to be highly capable in use with the US Army,” said Ante Milicevic, VP Business Development at DOK-ING.  He added, “The MV-4 is one of the most tested vehicles of its class on the market and has demonstrated its capabilities in demining, counter IED, EOD in addition to all the combat engineer tasks.”

Also on the stand is a display of the company’s other robust UGVs.  These include the DOK-ING MV-10, a medium weight demining remotely operated vehicle which is designed to clear anti-personnel and anti-tank mines along with unexploded ordnance.  The MV-10 is suitable for clearance of large, explosive contaminated areas.

The DOK-ING MVF-5 is a unique multifunction fire fighting vehicle designed to extinguish fires in life threatening and inaccessible areas. The vehicle is equipped with the latest fire fighting technologies together with water and foam storage dispensers and containers. DOK-ING developed its expertise in unmanned vehicles suitable for oil and gas events following discussions and trials with European fire, civil defence and catastrophe intervention specialists.

The DOK-ING MVD-XLPD an extra low profile remotely controlled vehicle, designed to go into places where it is unsafe or unproductive for humans to operate and move earth, shale and other bulk materials.  The MVD-XLPD is fitted as standard with a blade which is interchangeable with a bucket, other material handling accessories can also be fitted to give a very versatile capability.  Its high efficiency enables it to move up to 120 tons of ore per hour and the design enables it to operate at wide temperature variations.

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